Thursday, February 5, 2009

Website that all should check out.

This is the most wonderful site. First- it's FREE. Second- it reminds you to read the scriptures, even sending you an email of the chapters to read for the day. Third- it lets you highlight and make notes. Fourth- if you don't want to read it... it will play the audio for you. Fifth- it's simple. Sixth- it's not just the scriptures... it's LDS church magazines, lessons, and more to come. They are always updating with new material. Seventh- can you imagine the blessings that you'll be receiving by following the Lord's commandments? The list does not end.

This site was given to me by my mom in the last RS meeting and since I'm in the primary I just her things from her. It sounded good and so I had to check it out. I just want to share the convenience and blessings of this site with whoever might visit.

Both my girls are sick today and Jena Belle was up half the night, so she didn't go to school.

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