Saturday, October 1, 2011

Twist in Life

Well, things have definitely gone... not as planned. I cancelled my popcorn making and shooting outing.
Jake has never been out of work before. He has always gone from one job to another, something he was always able to plan. He is an extra hard worker... or at least gives his best, and yesterday was let go without a reason of any kind to why. They made him resign, and of course in Washington State they can let go of anyone without a cause. He had accomplished and did his best with everything they had required, passing every test and quiz. I can tell he is so bugged by the fact that he doesn't know what went wrong and why they didn't do anything to work with him on improvement. I know that it was so hard for him to be there without being able to see us or come home... and I'm hoping it didn't affect his performance.
The only reason behind it is that the Lord doesn't want him to work as a Trooper for the Washington State Patrol, and that is fine. The Washington State Patrol will be missing out on a HUGE asset.
My husband is so straight and narrow, honest, brilliant, humble, can be spontaneous, has self control, teachable, very reliable, so very generous, confident, always willing to give service, and tells me everything.

My hard workin' man

Girls playing.

the Puyallup Fair with Olivia

Love to play with Aleya

Lovin' to swing baby Eli, he is in there... promise. Poor little guy.

Blake and I showing of our new found skills of making a bow and drill. Kayla perfecting it.

Fire is no laughing matter. Look at that serious face.

This is when Grace came to visit us for a few days. We had so much fun with her. Later we were able to have Grace and Liam visit, but I stayed too busy for pics.

Just look at that face.

1 comment:

  1. Angela,

    I hope you are doing okay! We have been blindsided by Stephen being let go from work before. It's not easy, especially when we know how wonderful our husbands are. I don't know the details of your situation, but you guys will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    I can't believe how old your girls are looking. Love you!
